I have a honey do list. It's not getting done. That could be the area that starts an argument so I stay away from it and figure once his month of block leave is up I can start urging for the things on my list to get completed.
We both DID change over the last year. Not for the worse. We have found new interests but nicely enough we share the new interests. Ecuador for one. (I'll write more about that later because it's a big one.) The next one is just getting ourselves ready for whatever may come.
We've always lived for the moment or the day. Things happened to both of us this last year that made us realize that we need to be better prepared for an emergency. Whatever it might be. I'm not going to be all doomsday here. Don't worry. But I do want to mention that the first site that came up when I was searching for preparedness was The Preparedness Pantry blog. So FULL of useful information! Not to mention the store where I can buy food in bulk specifically for long term storage.
They also have a 'food storage analyzer.' What an amazing tool to use! I was able to enter food that I have on hand and see how long what I do have will actually last. (It wasn't long.) Then there are options to create a list of foods they have available and make a shopping list from it. My initial goal is to get three months of food storage, then six months then a year. Using their tool I will be able to keep track of where I am in meeting my goal. Check it out for yourself. (They also have giveaways quite often.)
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