Thursday, May 27, 2010

The importance of friendship.

There are days when I just need someone. Someone that understands what I feel. Someone that has gone through deployment or is going through it.

I can always pick up the phone and call someone back home and they care. But they don't have that deep understanding of really 'knowing' what it's like.

Sure, I could go to counseling and talk to a therapist. I just have this uneasy feeling about doing that. That anything I say will somehow be recorded in some way and get back to my husbands unit. (Even when they say it's anonymous...)

I have a great marriage. I do not however have a perfect marriage. There are days I just want to scream from frustration. Those are the days I want a friend to talk to. To maybe get my mind off things. Just do something, anything. But I don't have any of those.

Today I feel the isolation problem stronger than any other time during this deployment. Maybe because it is nearing the end. How bad will the stress get as the days to redeployment get closer and closer.

I really try not to take it personal. I know that the families with children/family are busy. I don't hold it against them. I just want someone to unload my feelings, my frustration. Someone who won't judge me or think less of me. Someone who can be impartial and still be sympathetic. Someone who understands deployment and still able to talk outside of the realm of the military.

My husband has been my best friend and confidant for so many years and I really didn't need anyone else. Now, with the distance between us in miles a gap in our bond is forming. I have no doubt that will can fill in the gaps once we readjust to each other, but what do I do in the meantime? I need a 'Wilson' like on Cast Away. No, I have my pets for that. I need human interaction. Reaction. Face to face emotion.

I'm going to take a break for a couple of days. Work my way through this. I'll be back after the holiday weekend. Keep in mind why we have a Memorial Day, remember why we are free.

This video was made in 1986 and is just as powerful today as it was then.

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